Comics foR LGBTQIA+ Anti-discrimination and rigHts

CRASH’s main objective is to raise awareness, give visibility and a proper space of representation to the
LGBTQIA+ community, by using the medium of comics designed by youth.CRASH also aims to promote LGBTQIA+ artists to give voice to queer self-representation narratives and foster community engagement at an international European level.

  • The creation of criteria of admission of the comic artists – 1 call for application (Delivered in 6 EU languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, HL, IT) and distributed at EU level.
  • The creation and publication of an online platform (1 platform) – Reaching at least 50 comics designers applications.
  • The selection of 3 winning comics designers.
  • The organization and delivery of an international mobility stay in Cyprus where the artists will participate (3-day mentoring).
  • The organization and delivery of the Exchange program in each of the partners’ countries – a co-creation process to finalize the design of the comic strip (1 exchange program,
    45 hours).
  • The production and publication of the comic strip on online platforms and in print (1 comic strip, 50 copies per partner) – Reaching at least 1,500 people (counting downloads on website/social media, copies distribution).







Research And Education Of Social Empowerment And Transformation – Reset Ltd – Cyprus

  • GenderLens Aps, Italy
  • TREE AGENCY OU, Estonia