Developing a gamified tool for enhancing youth entrepreneurial skills
The project aims to enhance entrepreneurship skills for the youth, through the development of a gamified curriculum. The youth will have the opportunity to develop enterprenurship ideas, compete to different competitions, and connect with experts in the area. The project also responds to tools that young people now use, enabling youth to learn and enange in a more fun, dynamic and proactive way. This project also allows a safe space for experimenting with entrepreneurial ideas, cooperating with peers, identifying opportunities and living a simulated journey towards adding value and creating positive impact to the society.
- The development of a gamified curriculum guided by the EntreComp framework with interactive activities, multimedia resources
- An online platform and mobile application game
- A digital train the trainer guide
- The implementation of National ‘Pitching Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas’ competitions to icrease quality, innovation and recognition of youth work, as youth practitioners will guide youth to develop and evolve entrepreneurial ideas
1. Learn more about the project, our activities and our news through our website. Visit the website
2. EntreComp is a framework developed by the European Commission to define and promote entrepreneurship education. It provides a common language and structure for understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for entrepreneurial success.
Visit the website
Friends of the Earth – MaltaResearch And Education Of Social Empowerment And Transformation – Reset Ltd – Cyprus
- Institute Of Entrepreneurship Development (Ied) – Greece
- Cofac Cooperativa De Formacao E Animacao Cultural Crl – Portugal
- Empresas Con Valores – Spain
- Prism Impresa Sociale S.r.l. – Italy
- Pricewaterhousecoopers Ltd. – Cyprus