See Me, Hear Me
The motivation for SeHeMe project derived from the difficulties, which young migrants and refugees face during their attempt to get integrated into the society of the host country. The SeHeMe project is a 24months initiative fostering synergies in 6 countries (Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Cyprus, Greece and Tunisia) aiming to ease young migrants and refugee’s integration into the society of the host country by making their voice heard. It seeks to help this process by providing the target group with a media voice. More specifically, it will offer language and media literacy training to youth newcomers (refugees, asylum seekers and migrants) recently settled in host countries. This will be accomplished through the establishment of an online magazine run entirely by migrants and refugees supported by language learning and media literacy tools tailored to their educational needs.
- Evaluation Toolkit for refugee and migrant representation in the media will include a set of criteria to judge regions’ representation of migrants in media.
- See Me, Hear Me case studies will be developed in a form of a booklet, highlighting the stories of immigrants with positive impact on European society.
- Foreign language for Media Literacy e-course will be designed so as to enhance young immigrants’ linguistic skills.
- Home & Away online magazine will give a voice to the target group
- Cofac, Portugal
- Padil, Tunisia
- Eurospeak Limited, Ireland
- Reset, Cyprus
- Mpirmpakos D. & Sia O.e., Greece
- Defoin, Formacion Para El Desarrollo E Insercion, Sociedad Limitada, Spain