European Projects

Awareness and Capacity building for ChangEs in policy SchemeS for disability towards incLusive societies-ACCESS4All

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Digital HEalth liteRacy Education for vulnerable groups-iHERE

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PROSECUW – PROtection and SECUrity for places of Worship

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Culture and Arts for Restorative Justice

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Self-MAnagement, entrepreneurship & individual Responsibility (SMART)

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Learning to effectively engage and coach Volunteers among youngsters

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People Leadership and Assessment Competencies and Empowerment

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Developing digital competencies and innovative solutions to support e-mentoring for unemployed young people

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Upskilling language instructors for online teaching

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Digital Storytelling for Participatory Adult Learning-DigiTales

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Training Migrants in the Use of Health Apps – MIGRANT HEALTH APPS

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Aligning youth, parents, and teachers for resilient participation in Metaverses – METAYOUTH

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Creating Value Co-creation Hubs between Universities and Enterprises to foster the infusion of Entrepreneurship Education in Europe – ENTREHUBS

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Social Hacking of Higher Education for Sustainability – SOHACK

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Distance, Blended and Online Counselling Skills for Career Counselors

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Enhancing European CULTural and creative practices to empower civic engagement and address the risk of RADicalisation among youth – CULTURAD

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Theory of Change for the Inclusion of Women Migrants in VET

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Youth-Led Participatory Action Research

The Young Cities program is an innovative and highly participatory initiative that focuses on empowering and creatively engaging young..

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Digital Leaders is a project funded by the Youth Board of Cyprus as part of the ‘Recover20’ initative to…

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Trainings and Events

The seminar seeks to raise awareness and education of parents and young people on the subject of pathological..

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International Project

Bi-Communal Musical Dialogues for Peace in the only divided capital of the world Peacebuilding Project Acronym: Bi-ComMusic 

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Digital Leaders is a project funded by the Youth Board of Cyprus as part of the ‘Recover20’ initative to…

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